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November 11, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

I wanted to take a moment today to remember Veterans. I created the sign below in honor of veterans. The black and white images are scanned images of old family photographs. The cemetery, eagle and flag, all symbols, are photographs that I took myself. If interested, this sign can be fully customized with your photos (or I can take photographs for you) and personalized with names and dates. Above all, I just wanted to say thank you to all veterans.


October 07, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

What I learned this week: the world is full of hatred and apathy with no regard for political persuasion or religious affiliation. What I have heard and read this past week has made me sad and frightened. Apparently debate is not part of the curriculum taught in schools any more. Throwing out angry comments and using vile language is not debating the issues. Debate involves speaking and listening and backing your words with facts.I am saddened by how much hatred and lack of respect I have witnessed. I am not a democrat. I am not a republican. I do not belong to a religious institution. I am not morally owned by my employer. I'm just me. There is something inside me, maybe you call it God, soul, light, code of morals, that tells me what is right and wrong.


A week ago I went to the Maine Wildlife Park and stood next to a coyote, patted a moose and a mountain lion, walked through a fox pen and felt humble and safe. We could learn a lot from the natural world.


September 09, 2014  •  Leave a Comment



September 05, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

I recently read that lighthouses are for sale to the public. Imagine

what it would be like to live in a lighthouse? You would see

plenty of fog, smell the changes in the ocean, almost always

have a fresh breeze, watch ships pass in the night and enjoy

nautical wildlife. Sounds romantic, doesn't it?

Except for one thing: the fog horn. Portland Head LightPortland Head LightThis lighthouse is in Cape Elizabeth, Maine    maine-020maine-020 Bass Harbor Head LightBass Harbor Head LightThis is from 2009. It is the Bass Harbor Head Light on Mt. Desert Island.

Seeing IN Macro

August 19, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

Sometimes I forget that photography is not a all or none skill. I admit I'm not very good at taking photographs of people unless I know them well. But I was recently reminded of a type of photography that I am good at and that is macro photography. I admit that often when I take a macro photo it is simply out of curiosity. I want to see something up close. That is the case of the spider and the grasshopper. It had been a long time since I had seen one of these webs with the "zig zag stitching". I knew I would find a black and yellow spider in the web but I went running for my camera when I saw the spider had a meal.
Spider with GrasshopperSpider with Grasshopper

Next I came across a smaller grasshopper who was perched on a raspberry bush. When I brought the grasshopper into focus through my macro lens, I was amazed by the colors and intricate details.

Hopper PortraitHopper Portrait

And finally I was struck by the way the sun highlighted this pink zinnia. What I like about this image is the way that sun catches hold of the web and how happy the flower seems to be. Pink ZinniaPink Zinnia

As you look through my photos, I want you to be aware that despite that I have an album entitled "Macro" that is not the only place that you will find my macro images. Macro images are in nearly all of my albums simply because everywhere that I look, I see things that I want to see in macro. Enjoy!

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